Saturday, August 31, 2019

Basketball vs Baseball

Basketball and baseball are among the most popular sports in the United States. Baseball has been around the longest, but it’s definitely not the best sport to watch or play. Basketball is a much more exciting sport to watch, be a fan of, and play than baseball because players are more athletic, it’s easier to play, and more fun to follow. Basketball players are some of the most athletic people in the world. The average basketball player can run faster and jump higher than the average baseball player. Some of baseball’s best players have been completely out of shape – from Babe Ruth to David Wells to Prince Fielder.Basketball players also rely on training and conditioning to stay in shape. Michael Jordan won 6 championships in the 90s, when the game was even more physical than today’s, by hiring the best trainers that money could buy. Barry Bonds broke the home run record by allegedly hiring the best trainers that could buy him steroids. Any time a feat in baseball is achieved, there are always questions that taint the sport. Whenever a feat in basketball is achieved, the athletes have earned it. Basketball is also a better sport because it’s easy to play. All that is needed is to do is go to any park and start playing a pick up game.Even if no one is there, it’s easy to just shoot around. People aspiring to play baseball aren’t so lucky. Rounding up 17 other people to play is almost impossible with the amount of other things kids would rather be doing. That doesn’t include making sure that there are enough gloves, baseballs, and everything else that is needed to play a game. It’s even a bigger hassle to go to the park and practice by yourself. Have fun hitting a baseball 300 feet and going to retrieve it every time. The only real option is to go to the batting cages. As you pass about 20 basketball courts on your way there, make sure you have enough money to practice.Not only is basketball e asier to organize, indoor-basketball games don’t depend on fair weather. Live in Seattle and it’s raining? Find a gym. You’re a baseball player that lives in Seattle and it’s raining? Come back in the summer. Because all organized basketball is played indoors, the hoop is always 10 feet high and every game that is played will be played on the same size court. Not only are there variables of the weather when it comes to baseball, the dimensions of each stadium differ. No matter where Kobe plays, he knows exactly how to attack from every spot on the floor.Take Josh Hamilton out of Arlington and put him into a â€Å"pitcher’s park† and he might be taken out of the MVP race. Being a fan of NBA basketball is much more exciting than MLB baseball. In the NBA, you are required to trade salaries that match the incoming salaries within 15%. If a team is trading a star’s max contract, more than likely they’ll receive another star (unless you’re the Orlando Magic). Regardless, you’ll receive someone that plays professionally in the NBA. Only in baseball can a team trade it’s best player who makes $20 million a year for â€Å"a player to be named later. That player usually ends up being a 21 year-old prospect who may never make it to the big leagues. This makes basketball much more exciting because teams have a better chance of staying competitive. Another thing that makes basketball more exciting is that your best player will play every single game and every single minute and make a huge impact on offense and defense if healthy. We saw Lebron James and Kevin Durant play against each other during the NBA Finals. We also saw Cole Hamels go 1-0 in 2 starts in the 2008 World Series and win MVP.He played 2 games, won 1 of them, and walked home with the MVP trophy. Count on basketball’s best players to play every single game and control their team’s last possession of the game. Many witn essed what Michael Jordan did in the NBA Finals with the flu against the Utah Jazz. He willed his team to victory, especially during the most clutch moments of the game. How many times has a team’s best hitter sat on the bench the entire 9th inning because it wasn’t his turn in the lineup? How many times has a team’s best pitcher sat on the bench in the 9th inning because he’s already pitched over 100 pitches?How many times has a team’s best defender stood in the same exact spot on the field during all three outs in the 9th because the ball wasn’t hit to him? In conclusion, basketball is a better all-around sport than baseball is. As an athlete, basketball keeps you in great shape. As an NBA fan, your star player will never be traded for an unknown D-League player. The pace of a basketball game is much faster and you can rest assured that an NBA championship will never be won with a final score of 1-0 – after multiple overtime quarter s. No matter how you spin it, basketball is just in a different class.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Character Sketch of Caliban

Character sketch of Caliban The Oxford Dictionary of English defines the adjective servile as the quality of â€Å"having or showing an excessive willingness to please others†. This is a trait of character that is often desired in a slave. But is it a required trait for a good slave or are there other ways to make them bide your words? In the stage play â€Å"The Tempest† (1611) written by William Shakespeare we are presented with the character, Caliban. Caliban is a native ofa remote island, the power of which 12 years earlier was usurped by the magician Prospero.Prospero made Caliban his subordinate and additionally tried to civilize him. Caliban, however, violated Prosperds trust as he tried to commit rape upon Prosperds daughter, Miranda. Prospero and Miranda believe that they did Caliban a favour by teaching him their language and â€Å"civilizing† him. This belief is central in the discussion of imperialism and can be easily transferred to the English Empir e even though it took place around 200-300 years after the play was written. Caliban represents the opinions of the colonized people.His island has been taken over by a foreign power nd he feels impotent and in contrary to Prospero and Miranda he says that it hasn't done him any good to learn their language: miou taught me language; and my profit ont Is, I know how to curse. The red plague rid you For learning me your language† (II. 364-366) It seems as if Caliban has developed this hatred towards Miranda and Prospero over the last 12 years. As they have taught him more, he has become more aware that they were treating him badly. â€Å"When thou camest first, Thou strokdst me and mad'st much of me and then I loved thee† (11. 333-337).Caliban believes in the upernatural. He uses curses and mentions the god of his mother as a ruling power that is able to have influence. It is, however, not an almighty god, as Caliban mentions that Prospero is stronger that Setebos, the go d. Before Prospero and Miranda started teaching him their language his knowledge was limited. He says that they taught him â€Å"how to name the bigger light, and how the less†. Hence, he has not had a word to describe the sun and the moon before Prospero and Miranda came. The argument between the three of them is generally kept in a very cruel tone, which emphasizes

Lesson plan

Comparison/Contrast Is used to show similarities and differences. It uses examples and comparing. It Is Important to organize your thoughts and information before you do so. Your topic sentence how they are alike and how they are different. Your concluding sentence/ or the clincher is a sentences that summarizes your thoughts. The ability to compare and contrast information can help a student in many areas of his/her life. Students need to compare and contrast products that they purchase, so they get the most for their money.They also need to compare and contrast information from various sources when making decisions about their lifestyles, diet, nutrition, etc. Key questions: What two things are being compared? How are they similar? How are they different? If you compare two things you tell how they are alike. If you contrast two things you tell how they are different. If you compare and contrast two things you tell how they are alike and how they are different. A sentence begins wi th a capital letter and ends with the correct punctuation. An adjective describes a person place or thing.The topic sentence of a paragraph states the main idea and attracts the reader's interest. A complete sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought (and has a subject and a verb). Capital letters are used at the beginning of each sentence and for proper nouns. A period is used at the end of a statement or command. A question mark is used at the end of a question. (Must be related to the topic): Teacher will begin by holding up various objects and asking students to compare them. For example, teacher will hold up a male and a female shoe; two books that are different size and two different types of food.Student's response will be written on he board. Teacher will ask students to predict today's topic. Teacher will inform students that in today's class we will be writing a compare and contrast paragraph. (The How and What- The Body of the Lesson) Methods and Techn iques Students' Activities Adaptations for Exceptional Learners Using a chart, discuss the terms compare and contrast. Students will read the definition from the chart then discuss things that they have Show a picture of a dog and a cat. Using a Venn diagram (overhead transparency) to Compare (same) and the Contrast (different) a cat to a dog.Students will work along with teacher to brainstorm the animal's similarities and dissimilarities. A picture of a cat and a dog will be shown to support struggling readers. Teacher will model how to write a compare and contrast paragraph based on information from a Venn diagram. I will write a topic sentence, 2 sentences that compare, 2 sentences that contrast, and a concluding sentence. Students will work along with teacher then read the paragraph aloud. After sharing the Comparison and Contrast Guide, explain to students that they are going to compare and contrast items in cooperative groups.In cooperative groups, each student will be given a Venn diagram. Then give each group an assortment of items (only two each). Explain to students that they will now list all of the characteristics that are the same about the items and all of the characteristics that are different. Using a Venn diagram, students will compare and contrast using an assortment of items in small groups. Peer tutoring: Allow struggling reader to work with a student is reading at grade level to help with pronunciation and word fluency.Direct students to write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the two foods using heir information from the Venn diagram that was discussed in the groups. Remind students to use indention, capital letters, complete sentences and topic sentence, supporting details and clincher. Individual assignment: students will write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the two foods using their Venn diagram. Students will write paragraph with correct punctuation marks, indention, capital letters, complete sentences and topic sentence Gi ve direct instruction after giving whole group instructions, work individually with each struggling readers. Lesson plan Comparison/Contrast Is used to show similarities and differences. It uses examples and comparing. It Is Important to organize your thoughts and information before you do so. Your topic sentence how they are alike and how they are different. Your concluding sentence/ or the clincher is a sentences that summarizes your thoughts. The ability to compare and contrast information can help a student in many areas of his/her life. Students need to compare and contrast products that they purchase, so they get the most for their money.They also need to compare and contrast information from various sources when making decisions about their lifestyles, diet, nutrition, etc. Key questions: What two things are being compared? How are they similar? How are they different? If you compare two things you tell how they are alike. If you contrast two things you tell how they are different. If you compare and contrast two things you tell how they are alike and how they are different. A sentence begins wi th a capital letter and ends with the correct punctuation. An adjective describes a person place or thing.The topic sentence of a paragraph states the main idea and attracts the reader's interest. A complete sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought (and has a subject and a verb). Capital letters are used at the beginning of each sentence and for proper nouns. A period is used at the end of a statement or command. A question mark is used at the end of a question. (Must be related to the topic): Teacher will begin by holding up various objects and asking students to compare them. For example, teacher will hold up a male and a female shoe; two books that are different size and two different types of food.Student's response will be written on he board. Teacher will ask students to predict today's topic. Teacher will inform students that in today's class we will be writing a compare and contrast paragraph. (The How and What- The Body of the Lesson) Methods and Techn iques Students' Activities Adaptations for Exceptional Learners Using a chart, discuss the terms compare and contrast. Students will read the definition from the chart then discuss things that they have Show a picture of a dog and a cat. Using a Venn diagram (overhead transparency) to Compare (same) and the Contrast (different) a cat to a dog.Students will work along with teacher to brainstorm the animal's similarities and dissimilarities. A picture of a cat and a dog will be shown to support struggling readers. Teacher will model how to write a compare and contrast paragraph based on information from a Venn diagram. I will write a topic sentence, 2 sentences that compare, 2 sentences that contrast, and a concluding sentence. Students will work along with teacher then read the paragraph aloud. After sharing the Comparison and Contrast Guide, explain to students that they are going to compare and contrast items in cooperative groups.In cooperative groups, each student will be given a Venn diagram. Then give each group an assortment of items (only two each). Explain to students that they will now list all of the characteristics that are the same about the items and all of the characteristics that are different. Using a Venn diagram, students will compare and contrast using an assortment of items in small groups. Peer tutoring: Allow struggling reader to work with a student is reading at grade level to help with pronunciation and word fluency.Direct students to write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the two foods using heir information from the Venn diagram that was discussed in the groups. Remind students to use indention, capital letters, complete sentences and topic sentence, supporting details and clincher. Individual assignment: students will write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the two foods using their Venn diagram. Students will write paragraph with correct punctuation marks, indention, capital letters, complete sentences and topic sentence Gi ve direct instruction after giving whole group instructions, work individually with each struggling readers. Lesson Plan SEMI-DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH 1 I. OBJECTIVES; At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to; a. Define coordinating conjunctions b. Give examples of coordinating conjunctions c. Use coordinating conjunctions in a sentence II. SUBJECT MATTER Topic Coordinating conjunctions Reference Grade 7 learning Package Materials chalkboard III. PROCEDURE A. MOTIVATION I am pretty sure that you have already discussed coordinating conjunctions in your elementary days and this is just a review about coordinating conjunctions. B. PRESENTATION Present the topic about coordinating conjunctions. C. Discussion a.Ask students what are coordinating conjunctions b. Allow students to give examples of coordinating conjunctions c. Allow students to use the examples of coordinating conjunction in a sentence. D. GENERALIZATION E. APPLICATION Ask students to match the sentence in column A with column B to form meaningful sentences. Use and, or, but, and for in coordinating the sentences. COLUMN A COLUMN B 1. Monkeys can be angry anywhere a. they peel it first. from just a few centimeters tall. b. they use them to communicate. . Monkeys never it a banana as it is. c. some pieces can grow more than a 3. When the monkey yawns it is tired. meter tall. 4. Monkey makes different voices, d. it is angry at something. facial expressions and body movements. IV. EVALUATION Allow students to supply the blanks with and, or and but to complete its thought. â€Å"Animals In Mythology† (an adaptation) page 53 V. ASSIGNMENT; Make a composition with the use of conjunctions. You can make your own titles. DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH 1 I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to; . Differentiate active voice from passive voice b. Identify the voice of verbs in the sentence c. Change the sentences from passive to active voice d. Appreciate the lessons by showing active participation of students towards the lesson. II. SUBJECT MATTER Topic verb (active voic e and passive voice) Materials cartolina (strips of cartolina) Reference internet souces III. PROCEDURE TEACHER’S ACTIVITY STUDENTS’ ACTIVITY A. MOTIVATION Class I want you to listen to a short scenario â€Å"John saw a pretty girl. He went to talk to her. His wife arrived.The wife hit john right on the nose 1. What did the wife do? (active voice is used in answering) (answers may vary) 2. What happened to John? (Passive voice is used in answering) (answers may vary) B. PRESENTATION VOICE is the quality of verb That shows wether the subject is the doer of the action or the receiver of thE action. C. DISCUSSION Active voice- is used to indicate That the subject of the sentence is the doer of the action. Passive voice- is created when the subject is the receiver of the action (the teacher gives sets of example about ctive and passive voice) D. APPLICATION Change the sentence below to the active voice 1. The bridge was built by the engineers. 2. The patient was examined by the doctors. 3. The decision was made by my boss. 4. The shell was collected by James. 5. Ninoy Aquino was admired by many people. IV. EVALUATION Identify the voice of the verb in the sentence. ___________1. Raul presented an interesting report ___________2. Baseball was played by Joseph. ___________3. Martin removed the old paint. ___________4. The national congress was approved. ___________5. She cooked the breakfast. ___________6. She submitted the a Lesson plan Comparison/Contrast Is used to show similarities and differences. It uses examples and comparing. It Is Important to organize your thoughts and information before you do so. Your topic sentence how they are alike and how they are different. Your concluding sentence/ or the clincher is a sentences that summarizes your thoughts. The ability to compare and contrast information can help a student in many areas of his/her life. Students need to compare and contrast products that they purchase, so they get the most for their money.They also need to compare and contrast information from various sources when making decisions about their lifestyles, diet, nutrition, etc. Key questions: What two things are being compared? How are they similar? How are they different? If you compare two things you tell how they are alike. If you contrast two things you tell how they are different. If you compare and contrast two things you tell how they are alike and how they are different. A sentence begins wi th a capital letter and ends with the correct punctuation. An adjective describes a person place or thing.The topic sentence of a paragraph states the main idea and attracts the reader's interest. A complete sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought (and has a subject and a verb). Capital letters are used at the beginning of each sentence and for proper nouns. A period is used at the end of a statement or command. A question mark is used at the end of a question. (Must be related to the topic): Teacher will begin by holding up various objects and asking students to compare them. For example, teacher will hold up a male and a female shoe; two books that are different size and two different types of food.Student's response will be written on he board. Teacher will ask students to predict today's topic. Teacher will inform students that in today's class we will be writing a compare and contrast paragraph. (The How and What- The Body of the Lesson) Methods and Techn iques Students' Activities Adaptations for Exceptional Learners Using a chart, discuss the terms compare and contrast. Students will read the definition from the chart then discuss things that they have Show a picture of a dog and a cat. Using a Venn diagram (overhead transparency) to Compare (same) and the Contrast (different) a cat to a dog.Students will work along with teacher to brainstorm the animal's similarities and dissimilarities. A picture of a cat and a dog will be shown to support struggling readers. Teacher will model how to write a compare and contrast paragraph based on information from a Venn diagram. I will write a topic sentence, 2 sentences that compare, 2 sentences that contrast, and a concluding sentence. Students will work along with teacher then read the paragraph aloud. After sharing the Comparison and Contrast Guide, explain to students that they are going to compare and contrast items in cooperative groups.In cooperative groups, each student will be given a Venn diagram. Then give each group an assortment of items (only two each). Explain to students that they will now list all of the characteristics that are the same about the items and all of the characteristics that are different. Using a Venn diagram, students will compare and contrast using an assortment of items in small groups. Peer tutoring: Allow struggling reader to work with a student is reading at grade level to help with pronunciation and word fluency.Direct students to write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the two foods using heir information from the Venn diagram that was discussed in the groups. Remind students to use indention, capital letters, complete sentences and topic sentence, supporting details and clincher. Individual assignment: students will write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the two foods using their Venn diagram. Students will write paragraph with correct punctuation marks, indention, capital letters, complete sentences and topic sentence Gi ve direct instruction after giving whole group instructions, work individually with each struggling readers. Lesson Plan SEMI-DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH 1 I. OBJECTIVES; At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to; a. Define coordinating conjunctions b. Give examples of coordinating conjunctions c. Use coordinating conjunctions in a sentence II. SUBJECT MATTER Topic Coordinating conjunctions Reference Grade 7 learning Package Materials chalkboard III. PROCEDURE A. MOTIVATION I am pretty sure that you have already discussed coordinating conjunctions in your elementary days and this is just a review about coordinating conjunctions. B. PRESENTATION Present the topic about coordinating conjunctions. C. Discussion a.Ask students what are coordinating conjunctions b. Allow students to give examples of coordinating conjunctions c. Allow students to use the examples of coordinating conjunction in a sentence. D. GENERALIZATION E. APPLICATION Ask students to match the sentence in column A with column B to form meaningful sentences. Use and, or, but, and for in coordinating the sentences. COLUMN A COLUMN B 1. Monkeys can be angry anywhere a. they peel it first. from just a few centimeters tall. b. they use them to communicate. . Monkeys never it a banana as it is. c. some pieces can grow more than a 3. When the monkey yawns it is tired. meter tall. 4. Monkey makes different voices, d. it is angry at something. facial expressions and body movements. IV. EVALUATION Allow students to supply the blanks with and, or and but to complete its thought. â€Å"Animals In Mythology† (an adaptation) page 53 V. ASSIGNMENT; Make a composition with the use of conjunctions. You can make your own titles. DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH 1 I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to; . Differentiate active voice from passive voice b. Identify the voice of verbs in the sentence c. Change the sentences from passive to active voice d. Appreciate the lessons by showing active participation of students towards the lesson. II. SUBJECT MATTER Topic verb (active voic e and passive voice) Materials cartolina (strips of cartolina) Reference internet souces III. PROCEDURE TEACHER’S ACTIVITY STUDENTS’ ACTIVITY A. MOTIVATION Class I want you to listen to a short scenario â€Å"John saw a pretty girl. He went to talk to her. His wife arrived.The wife hit john right on the nose 1. What did the wife do? (active voice is used in answering) (answers may vary) 2. What happened to John? (Passive voice is used in answering) (answers may vary) B. PRESENTATION VOICE is the quality of verb That shows wether the subject is the doer of the action or the receiver of thE action. C. DISCUSSION Active voice- is used to indicate That the subject of the sentence is the doer of the action. Passive voice- is created when the subject is the receiver of the action (the teacher gives sets of example about ctive and passive voice) D. APPLICATION Change the sentence below to the active voice 1. The bridge was built by the engineers. 2. The patient was examined by the doctors. 3. The decision was made by my boss. 4. The shell was collected by James. 5. Ninoy Aquino was admired by many people. IV. EVALUATION Identify the voice of the verb in the sentence. ___________1. Raul presented an interesting report ___________2. Baseball was played by Joseph. ___________3. Martin removed the old paint. ___________4. The national congress was approved. ___________5. She cooked the breakfast. ___________6. She submitted the a

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Critical Thinking Exposition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Critical Thinking Exposition - Essay Example Critical Thinking Exposition Essay Another viewpoint is that of Deshler who saw it as a form of thinking that welcomes change. Although the above definitions vary depending on the scholar’s orientation, in much more simple terms it can be conceptualized as a deliberate, self-disciplined and self-guided thinking process which encourages quality reasoning at the highest possible level. Critical thinking is a process that should have many definitions because it has multiple dimensions and aspects that characterize its nature as demonstrated by Brookfield. There is no doubt that it is a higher cognitive skill that drives people to use reason to overcome their environment. Admittedly, critical thinking is not automatic and because it is a deliberate effort to diminish the propensity for shallow thought that feeds the ego. Therefore, individuals who are critical thinkers are extremely self disciplined in the use of intellectual tools developed by scholars, researchers and theorists. They use these tools to adapt, alter and apply concepts and principles that guide their actions and which form their beliefs. Critical thinking is extremely self-reflective in its discipline because people are not perfect and they often fall prey to irrational thought, self interest, biases, prejudice and distortions. Therefore, in agreement with Brookfield, it involves defining assumptions and challenging any flaws and gaps in knowledge.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Case Colomo vs Bonds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Case Colomo vs Bonds - Essay Example Colomo’s mother then called the two students and in the process lectured Fuller for his actions as well as told Victoria to avoid Fuller and made sure she did not walk alone on the campus. Fuller had also threatened Victoria twice which had led to his suspension from the school, and Victoria was assigned an escort. Other methods on campus were used to keep the two separated. Colomo’s mother also brought this point forward claiming that the school had been indifferent when dealing with the first case. Under this, the courts ruled that if the ‘harasser’ acted in a way that makes the ‘harasser’ be denied of the rights to proper education, school management, and the board would have acted indifferently if they had full awareness of the happenings of the case. However, the student had maintained stable grades since the case was based on the victim’s mother believes that the school acted indifferently in solving the matter. The case was thrown out for lack of evidence. The issues in the case were that Victoria’s mother thought that her daughter was being deprived of the educational opportunities she was supposed to have. The case involved sexual harassment on a school campus and the court had to define what defined what sexual harassment was. Rather than there being a decision in the case, it was dismissed. It was added to the rules of the school that this was not â€Å"severe, pervasive and objectively offensive† to an extent that it can constitute a violation of the Title IX of the school rules. The reason that the case was dismissed was that the members of the court there was an act of intentional indifference. It might have been probable that the victim mother acted on her own terms to protect her daughter. According to the law, there is no course of action against the school.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Should companies be required to be more Green (environmentally Research Paper

Should companies be required to be more Green (environmentally friendly) even if it costs more - Research Paper Example In some countries such as China, the issue of environmental pollution is so serious that if not checked, it could reverse the economic gains achieved over the years. This clearly shows that environmental protection should become a priority especially for companies, which contribute significantly to environmental pollution. Accordingly, companies should be required to be environmental friendly even if it is a costly venture. One of the reasons why companies should be required to become environmental friendly is that growth which is achieved at the expense of the environment will only be short term. In degrading the environment and depleting natural resources, a company’s success can only be short term, since such resources are needed for future production. In this case, protecting the environment also protects a company’s long-term productivity. Companies should therefore ensure that their activities do not harm the environment in order to achieve sustainable development. Although environmental protection is quite costly, the cost of reversing the effects of environmental degradation may be higher for a company (EPA). Companies should also be required to become environmental friendly because it is also beneficial for them. As people’s awareness of environmental pollution rises, they look out for companies that show concern for the environment. Consequently, customers or clients will be more likely to purchase products or services from companies which are actively engaged in environmental protection. A company that is environmental friendly will therefore retain its existing customers, while acquiring new ones. In the end, this has a positive impact on a company’s productivity, which outweighs its costs in environmental protection (Scherzer). As seen from the text, environmental protection is a costly venture, thus companies maybe unwilling to become environmental friendly. In order to make this requirement a reality, policymakers

Monday, August 26, 2019

Health Care Law (Obamacare) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health Care Law (Obamacare) - Essay Example This paper will critically evaluate the impact of the new health care law (Obamacare). It will recognize the advantages and disadvantages of the law and its significance in nursing practice. The new health care law influences the insurance market rules. It affects both the public and private health insurances. Individuals get private health insurance by buying directly or through the employer. The public health insurance consists of Medicare and Medicaid. The concept of grandfathering is utilized to imply that the existing insurance policies would not be affected by new market rules. The act removed lifetime caps in all plans; this is inclusive of the grandfathered plans for all important health benefits stated in the law. The annual limits for group coverage and individual plans purchased after March, 2010 are prohibited starting 2014 (Marcovici, 2013). The health reform act restricts the percentage of income that should be paid in respect to health insurance. In addition, it gives subsidies to help with the buying of the health insurance. Moreover, it gives cost-sharing help to restrict the out-of-pocket expenditures. The increased premium and choice help ensures that coverage is affordable and available to medium income Americans. The uninsured population of New York is expected to qualify in premium aid and constitute eighty seven percent (Gokhale, Erickson & Lawrence, 2011). The Obamacare gives Americans a chance to seek medical care early and have access to the physician consultation. This would ensure that the diseases are identified early enough and are cheap to treat. This will cut down the cost incurred in treatment diseases. When more people are insured then, the cost of health insurance premium is reduced because the risks and costs are spread in a large population. In regard to employment, the health reform will ensure that the workforce is healthy that will result to fewer hours lost in absence and hence more productivity.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Gender Study on Working and Stay-at-home Mothers Research Paper

Gender Study on Working and Stay-at-home Mothers - Research Paper Example In addition, it portrays the effects of gender in the society. Further, it denotes the perception of children towards the differences existing between their parents. Working mothers This refers to mothers who associate themselves with various income generating activities. They have lesser dependence on either their spouses or their parents. They involve both the married working mothers and single working mothers. They dedicate much of their time to work living only few hours to be with their families. Some ambiguous questions emerge from some individuals as to why, when, and what their intention is behind them (mothers) working (Lippa 2005). One of the main reasons behind mothers working for pay is to be independent. Another reason may be their (working mothers’) desire to live a live where they have total control of their finances. In addition, the work of mothers does not end up at work. More than half of the total number of working moms are those with families. Therefore, it is their (moms) obligation to hurry from work to home to provide for their families. Further, they have some customary duties to perform at their homes. For instance, they must get home earlier before their husbands so that they make several preparations concerning their meals. They also have to know the progress of their children. On the side of single working mothers, they find themselves having a full responsibility at home. They must strive to make ends meet, as they also have to avail the commodities the children require. Some children demand their mothers to provide for their necessities, which may be costly. Therefore, there is a need for single mothers to work harder to earn enough for their expenditure. They should ensure there is a surplus in their accounts. This means that they should make better calculations concerning their income and total expenses. Further, they need to make several adjustments on the total expenses. Through this, they will be able to manage their family requirements, as they eliminate the tertiary demands. In addition, single-working mothers have an extra task of time management. They search for ways of creating more time to deal with personal issues. Bearing in mind that they are the families’ sole breadwinner, they ensure they work towards the success of their business operations. They also make a good choice when it comes to friendship. They choose friends who are hard working and those who motivate other people not to despair in their work. The success of single mothers is a great joy to their families. They also bring to light less efforts for handling a family. This is a great encouragement to the single mothers not at work. Thereafter, they have an appraising hand from the entire society. Stay-at-home mothers A Housewife is another name referring to a stay-at-home mother. Most of their work is within the homestead. They do not get any remuneration for the tasks they undertake. Their main work is to ensure that they raise their kids and control their families. Stay-at-home mothers perform many tasks each day. They act as their children’s instructors, first aiders, doctors, and nannies. Some mothers are also the chefs of their homes and their children’s playmate. Further, they have a total control on the finances they use everyday . If they would require any pay, they may earn more than those working outside the homestead may earn. This is in respect to the different tasks they perform. They decide to be housewives because of their husbands’ potential to provide for the families. Difference between working mothers and stay-at-home mothe

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Business Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Business Economics - Essay Example As such, it is argued that, unemployment is directly related to economic growth of any given state or country. Consequently, economists argue that, unemployment is an issue that affects every state or country in the world with varying percentage rates (Srinivasan and Sivagnanam 2010). In light of this, the United Kingdom, the European Union and the United States of America are the three countries that have experienced major unemployment issues in the world. Essentially, the percentage rate of unemployment in these three countries has been in a close watch in for the last five years with major similarities and differences being displayed in this duration of time (McCord 2011). In January 2008, the percentage rate of unemployment was relatively similar in the United States of America and the United Kingdom with a variation of 0.1 % in the captured statistics. However, European Union experienced a higher percentage rate at 1.6% more as compared to UK and the United State of America mean ing that, in that year the EU was leading in percentage rate. In the beginning of 2009, the three countries experienced an increase in the percentage rate, where the rate in United Kingdom increased with 1.9 %, the European Union increased by 1.8%, and the United States of America increased by 3.6%. ... In addition, European Union moved from 8.6 % in the previous year to 9.7 % while the United States of America moved from 8.7% to 9.8%. In a general sense, between 2008 and 2010, the three countries have witnessed a significant increase in the rate of unemployment where each had a disparity of more than 2.0 %. In the beginning of 2011, the United Kingdom insignificantly reduced at 0.2%, the European Union increased insignificantly at 0.1%. However, the United States of America experienced a significant decrease of 0.9 %. The entry into the year 2012 saw a return of the two; United Kingdom and European Union countries into an increase mode. In contrast, the United States of American witnessed a constant decrease from the previous year. In January 2013, the overall percentage rate of the United Kingdom would best be described as fluctuation in terms of increase and decrease. In particular, the country had a decrease compared to the previous year. Layard, et al 2011 argues that, in relat ion to the United States of America, the unemployment level was at its highest of 9.8% in 2010, although the rest of years were covered by a fluctuation between 5.1% and 7.6%. Conversely, the European Union is the leading country among the three in the unemployment rate for the last six year where a significant increase has been noted, the United States of America comes in as the second while the United Kingdom is the last in line. The UK Domestic and International factors Causing Variation in Unemployment Rates in the UK, the EU and the USA Domestic Causing Variation in Unemployment Rates According to the graph, it is apparent that, the unemployment rate in the United Kingdom is relatively lower as

Friday, August 23, 2019

Factors that cause shift in demand curve Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Factors that cause shift in demand curve - Essay Example When the price of the bread increases to $70, the quantity demanded as a result decreases to 6 million or where the price decreases to $50 from $40 then the quantity demanded increases to 10 million. This phenomenon can be said to be the movement along the demand curve. The reason for the shift of the demand curve is due to the change in factors other than that of price, such as the change in price of the related goods, income of the consumer or preference of the consumer etc. An increase of decrease in these factors can shift the demand curve on either side as the price will remain the same. Two goods are said to be the substitute of each other when the price of one of the item causes the price of the other item to rise simultaneously or the goods are such identical to each other that a normal consumer may switch to the other good when the price of the prior rises. The customer expectation that the price of a good may increase of decrease can have affect on the demand curve as due t o the expected increase in price. The customer will tend to purchase and stock the particular good before the price rises and vice versa may happen when there is a possibility of decrease in price. The change in income of a consumer is one of the basic causes of the shift in the demand curve. When the income of the consumer increases he will switch to more luxury goods as compared to the normal goods, because of the increase in his purchasing power which provides a better margin to purchase more of a good.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

History of oil and gas in China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History of oil and gas in China - Research Paper Example With a mounting population of more than 1.3 billion people, China depends greatly on other countries for prime resources, for example, oil and gas. In order to enhance its association with other Southeast Asian nations, China always considers diplomatic action over military intervention, especially in regards to disputed territories like the Scarborough Shoal in South China Sea. China is frequently involved in a political clash with Malaysia; perhaps, it is due mainly to the two countries' diplomatic dissimilarities. Nevertheless, China's ties with Malaysia are interdependent in that China relies on the huge oil and gas resources of Malaysia in return of China's defense policy and assurance for Malaysia. At the present, Malaysia is the largest producer of petroleum products in the Southeast Asian region, constituting more than fifty [Student’s Last Name] 2 percent of the oil and gas production in area (Global Security, "South China Sea and Natural Gas"). Ironically with China, while it possesses significant deposits of oil and gas reserves, they do not substantially account to the world’s aggregate oil supply; its natural gas reserves is merely one over twenty of the world’s oil and gas reserves (Li and Du 1). ... Early on in history, about 500 B.C., consistent with some historical accounts about China, the old Chinese express about wells with depth of 100 feet holding significant volume of water and natural gas. Also, the Chinese were pioneers in conceptualizing the use of bamboos to serve as pipelines to draw natural gas and oil from wells. These recovered gas and oil were originally used for lighting (Business Reference Services, "History of Oil and Gas Industry"). In addition, the Chinese eventually ventured in searching and excavating wells with depths of over 2000 feet (American Petroleum Institute, "All about Petroleum - As Old as History"). While China was the first country to venture in the exploration and excavation of oil and natural gas reserves, it was not the first country to take innovative approaches in developing petroleum products like kerosene, gasoline, etc. It commenced to adapt a modernistic method in developing oil and gas products only during the 1950s. Even up to the p resent, China is comparatively [Student’s Last Name] 3 fresher in modern oil and gas discovery and production compared to the US. Initially, China was an oil importer but later managed to become independent; and even became an exporter between 1965 and 1993; however, it went back to being an importer in 1993 (Li and Du 1). At first, China imported oil products such as Kerosene in 1863; and in 1949, the country independently produced crude oil; nonetheless, China’s need for oil exports from other countries was never eradicated until after the discovery of the enormous Daqing oil ground in the 1960s that made China ultimately oil-independent (1). Eventually, from being an oil importer, China turned out to be an oil exporter. In fact, between 1978 and 1985,

Aphasia Essay Example for Free

Aphasia Essay The terms ‘jargon aphasia’ and ‘jargon agraphia’ describe the production of incomprehensible language containing frequent phonological, semantic or neologistic errors in speech and writing, respectively. Here we describe two patients with primary progressive aphasia (PPA) who produced neologistic jargon either in speech or writing. We suggest that involvement of the posterior superior temporal–inferior parietal region may lead to a disconnection between stored lexical representations and language output pathways leading to aberrant activation of phonemes in neologistic jargon. Parietal lobe involvement is relatively unusual in PPA, perhaps accounting for the comparative rarity of jargon early in the course of these diseases. Aphasia is a communication disorder. Its a result of damage or injury to language parts of the brain. And its more common in older adults, particularly those who have had a stroke. Aphasia gets in the way of a persons ability to use or understand words. Aphasia does not impair the persons intelligence. People who have aphasia may have difficulty speaking and finding the right words to complete their thoughts. They may also have problems understanding conversation, reading and comprehending written words, writing words, and using numbers What Causes Aphasia? Aphasia is usually caused by a stroke or brain injury with damage to one or more parts of the brain that deal with language. According to the National Aphasia Association, about 25% to 40% of people who survive a stroke get aphasia. Aphasia may also be caused by a brain tumor, brain infection, or dementia such as Alzheimers disease. In some cases, aphasia is a symptom of epilepsy or other neurological disorder. What Are the Types of Aphasia? There are types of aphasia. Each type can cause impairment that varies from mild to severe. Common types of aphasia include the following: * Expressive aphasia (non-fluent): With expressive aphasia, the person knows what he or she wants to say yet has difficulty communicating it to others. It doesnt matter whether the person is trying to say or write what he or she is trying to communicate. Receptive aphasia (fluent): With receptive aphasia, the person can hear a voice or read the print, but may not understand the meaning of the message. Oftentimes, someone with receptive aphasia takes language literally. Their own speech may be disturbed because they do not understand their own language. * Anomic aphasia. With anomic aphasia, the person has word-finding difficulties. This is called anomia. Because of the difficulties, the person struggles to find the right words for speaking and writing. * Global aphasia. This is the most severe type of aphasia. It is often seen right after someone has a stroke. With global aphasia, the person has difficulty speaking and understanding words. In addition, the person is unable to read or write. * Primary progressive aphasia. Primary progressive aphasia is a rare disorder where people slowly lose their ability to talk, read, write, and comprehend what they hear in conversation over a period of time. With a stroke, aphasia may improve with proper therapy. There is no treatment to reverse primary progressive aphasia. People with primary progressive aphasia are able to communicate in ways other than speech. For instance, they might use gestures. And many benefit from a combination of speech therapy and medications. Aphasia may be mild or severe. With mild aphasia, the person may be able to converse yet have trouble finding the right word or understanding complex conversations. Severe aphasia limits the persons ability to communicate. The person may say little and may not participate in or understand any conversation.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Strategic Human Resource Management at Sears stores

Strategic Human Resource Management at Sears stores Sears, an American chain of department stores, is one of leading retailers in the world. Under the leadership of CEO Arthur Martinez, Sears developed an employee-customer-profit model and successfully changed its financial performance in the 19th century (Rucci, Kirn and Quinn, 1998). Sears successful transformation has changed not only its market strategy but also organisational culture. In the essay, I will firstly analyse forces for Sears transformation from the external and internal environment. Before presenting an approach of reward management, main issues of the old reward management will be discussed. Then I will review several elements which are essential for building up reward management and explain reasons. After all, I will make a conclusion of previous points. External forces for transformation Competitors The severe threat from competitors in the market is a vital reason for the necessity of transformation. Porter (1980) identified five forces in the competitive environment in which competitive rivalry is one of key elements. The early of 19th century had witnessed the worst performance of Sears. However, in the same period, Sears competitors, coming from difference sides, gobbled up market share with remarkable speed. Notably, Wal-Mart, focusing on the need of customers, was capturing the popularity of customers (Rucci, Kirn and Quinn, 1998). Employees The ignorance of the need of employees could affect the long-term development of Sears. Before the transformation, few workers could acknowledge managerial strategy and could have a clear view of what role they played. Besides, the turnover in 1922 brought a heavy burden to employees, making them tire out. Due to the immediate need for improving performance, Martinez and his team temporarily ignored the attention of employees. The reengineered store operations heavily emphasised on training, incentives, and the elimination of administrative and other non-selling tasks for sales personnel (Rucci, Kirn and Quinn, 1998).It brought a multiple of extra workload for employees. Customers The satisfaction of customer is vital for the development of the company. However, Sears turned to be a self-absorbed company which was interested in its own management (Martinez and Madigan, 2001:14).According to the research conducted by the customer task force; customers opinions had been neglected by the headquarters. Besides, a multiple of cases had proved the failure to meet customers expectations (Rucci, Kirn and Quinn, 1998). Internal forces for transformation Finance The financial crisis is the key for the urgent transformation. In 1992, sears undertook its worst crisis in history with a net loss of 3.9% billion. Although the success of 1992 turnover, it is essential to systematically transfer the organisation in order to gain a long-term profit. In 1992, with the arrival of Arthur Martinez, to resolve the urgent financial problem, store operations were reengineered, with a heavy emphasis on training, incentives, and the elimination of administrative and other non-selling tasks for sales personnel'(Rucci, Kirn and Quinn, 1998). Culture The old command-and-control culture was too parental to take care about employees. Although top-down structure could produce effective initial outcomes, it was lack of the broad ownership and employee engagement (Rucci, Kirn and Quinn, 1998). Sears was entrapped in the history without recognising timely changing world. The old culture did not fit in the renewal environment. Therefore, changing Sears culture is necessary for companys long-term development. It would be a battle against a deeply troubled, bureaucratic culture (Martinez and Madigan, 2001) Main issues of reward management and motivation Managers A significant rate of pay linking to achievement of customers satisfaction target has negative effects on managers performance. Specifically, a large percentage of pay at risk may provoke negative reactions and some resistance. For instance, managers feel anxious about the insecurity of the job. Moreover, it is difficult to evaluate and identify the improvement of customers satisfaction which is affected by complex factors. Therefore, it is unfair to cut off variable pay because of customers satisfaction. The application of Leadership skills model may not adequately fit with any positions. Sears has identified 12 leadership skills and qualities and utilised them in the evaluation, promotion and training (Rucci, Kirn and Quinn, 1998). However, the technical skill which is significantly vital for position is not clearly presented. Leadership skills model seems to be highly contextual. Too much training can lead to diverse effects for Sears. Firstly, mangers need the time to exercise and apply what they have learned into job. Sears designs various types of training, such as learning maps, town hall meetings, which occupy much time. Besides, training programs bring financial burden for the company. Because cost of training covering rents of training rooms, fees for trainers or else can be expensive. Employees The flexible pay referring to customers satisfaction may affect employees performance in a negative way. In Sears, Goal-sharing pilot programs associate employees incentives pay with customers satisfaction. Additionally, employees income at risk may cause overwork and others which may damage both physical and mental health. Besides, it adds insecurity and unpredictability which can affect the working performance, cause anxious and pressure(Heery,1996). The efficiency of communication with millions of employees could affect the deployment of reward management. Communication is a troubling issue for retailers like Sears with 300,000 employees at thousands of locations. Besides, the relatively high turnover rates require the necessary of continual reorientation of new employees (Rucci, Kirn and Quinn, 1998). New reward approaches Amabile (1998) pointed out that as for creative and innovative workers, intrinsic rewards is a better motivator rather extrinsic rewards. Sears attempts to provoke the workers innovation and creativity, therefore, intrinsic rewards should relatively emphasised in reward management. Intrinsic rewards can be expressed as non-financial rewards. Armstong (2002) presented the importance of financial and non-financial rewards. New reward approach is widely discussed by researchers. Features of new reward can be simply generalised into strategic, business-aligned, flexible, performance-driven, distinctive and integrative of the actions of employer and employee (Armstrong and Murlis, 2004).Reward management is a key element within human resource management which should be bound up with business strategy. According to the situation of Sears, non-financial or intrinsic reward and new reward should be taken account into the consideration of Sears reward system. In Sears, the importance of non-financial rewards is sensed to some extent. Besides, Reward systems which could make a significant strategic contribution to business success should be systematically designed and adjusted in accordance with the organisational strategy. Based on the analysis of specific situations of Sears, different new strategy approaches are recommended for managers and employees respectively. Competence-based pay for managers Competency-based pay is a method of rewarding people wholly or partly for individuals competencies which are demonstrated or performed in their positions (Armstrong, 2002).It is referred that competence-based pay which has associate competencies with current as well as expected future job performance is forward looking(Lewis, 2006). It could have a link with customer focus and reward behaviours or attitudes such as co-operation, courtesy and communication (Kessler, 2005). Therefore, 12 leadership skills as a part of competencies can be combined with the approaches; meanwhile large portion based on customers satisfaction can be changed. As the notion of human resources as key assets has been widely accepted, competence-based payment system encourages and motivates managers incentives and innovation, providing them with a flexible reward. White and Drucker (2000:19) mentions that effective business performance depends on individual performance and seems to support for performance for the person rather than pay for the job including equal pay for equal work. Therefore, payment may be associated with forms of competencies-based pay, with reward to mould behaviour and encourage greater responsiveness to change. Total reward approach for employees Total reward combines the base salary and other benefits such as recognition, autonomy or opportunity (IRS, 2003a). It has might notice personal difference and circumstance, containing a base salary, development opportunities or flexible working hours'(Lewis, 2006), allowing rewards to be offered which meet diverse needs. Therefore it can permit employees base salary meanwhile can meet individuals particular needs. To some extent, total reward approach ensures the base salary which guarantees the job security and fairness in the fixed pay. The sense of fairness has a positive effect on the employees working efficiency. Employees can be encouraged when their efforts will lead to improved performance and be rewarded fairly to satisfy base needs (Martinez and Madigan, 2001).Although the amount of reward is quite small, it could make people feel appreciated and motivated (Kessler,2005).Take well-being for example, it has an effect on individuals and organisation. It could be improved by HR practices, such as building up flexible work patterns, conducting health and safety training programs or establishing work-life balance. Other elements Reward management, one of the key levers in pursuit of effective HRM, should be structured to meet HR objectives (White and Drucker, 2000:26).Additionally, there are at least other three elements deserved in HR practices. Reilly (2003) suggest that better attention also should allocate adequate time for implementation, including training, communication and guidance, monitoring and evaluating the outcome and discovering what has been learned from the results. Recruitment and selection Storey and Wright (2001) presented that it is apparent that the notion of labour as a competitive advantage underpins the HRM practices, including reward management system. Actually, the design of the reward management should consider recruited individuals need. Effective recruitment and selection can enhance the business performance, because it selects the right people who can match to job requirements. Besides, the soft approach, selecting candidates from the organisation, implies a long-term investment in training and development or a reward scheme. It could improve employees loyalty and retention. Conversely, hard approach brings new ideas, skills into the organisation (Storey and Wright, 2001). Better reward system can attract more competitive and qualified candidates. Training and development Training and development is a primary task which is helpful to implement the reward approaches in HR practices. As the perspective of the enterprises, training is to increase the competitiveness in the marketplace. Besides, appropriate training programs can be a method reward, improving the retaining rate. It could increase job satisfaction and improve employees loyalty to the company. Basadur (2004) indicated that training improves performance by finding, solving problems, and implementing solutions. In employees point of view, they can get the opportunities to get access to higher rewarded position by obtaining tacit knowledge, skills from the attendance of training. Training can make people more willing to generate more and better ideas to solve problems. Besides, training programs can help employees have a better understanding of reward management approaches. Assessment As a key part of HR practices, assessment should underpin the whole process, connecting to the orgainisational strategy. Assessment techniques, such as 360 degree appraisal feedback or Sears TPI, have certain drawbacks; otherwise the working performance should be measured, monitored and controlled. The immediate and accurate assessment ensures is pivotal. Geary (1992) also suggested that the effectiveness of the reward system depends on the method of selecting and implementing the system rather than itself. The on-going assessment of performance provides timely adjustments to improve performance with a possibility (Gold, 2003). Conclusion In the article, it has been analysed primary external and internal forces for Sears transformation. The external reasons are the threat from competitors, the loss of customers and employees extra workload. In terms of internal reasons, the significant cause is to obtain the long-term financial profit. The other is the bureaucracy culture. Secondly, main problems of Sears reward management are analysed from the perspectives of managers and employers. In the standpoint of managers, the main issues are: the insecurity of pay, widely applying leadership model which ignores the specific, technical skills and pressures from too much training programs. As for employees, incentive pays could raise the extra workload and high turnover requires the constant improvement of the effectiveness of communication. In the following part, the alternative reward approaches are discussed respectively. Competency-based approach is recommended for managers; meanwhile total reward approach is the recommendation for employees. Lastly, three elements which internally connect to reward management in HR system are reviewed: effective recruitment and selection, appropriate training and development and on-going assessment. (Word account = 1994)

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Theories of Motivation and Conflict in the Workplace

Theories of Motivation and Conflict in the Workplace Abstract Conflict in any organization is a matter that can not be avoided. Conflict because from one viewpoint the individuals involved in the organization who have the character, vision, goals, and styles vary. In addition, the interdependence between each other that characterize each organization. Although not all adverse organizational conflict, moreover handled legitimately, can have a positive impact and will benefit the organization all in all. In addition, there should be transparency in managing conflict in organizations and patience as well as all parties involved in awareness and conflict within the organization. Introduction. This conflict is regularly associated with the individuals who are, conflict, violence and destruction. What has always lingered in our minds is the way by which the conflict that can happen, and how to define conflicts and how to handle conflict. The reaction regularly happens in life and cause us stretch, fear and tried to escape from dealing with conflict. At the same time, for individuals who adoration conflict is defined as an individual problem, and so on. Such is the diversity of views and reactions to conflict. The fact that the conflict is human nature. Conflicts are always together and grow dynamically along with human development. Conflicts can happen either on individuals, associations or organizations. At whatever point there is a conflict, obviously, will affect the parties involved either positive or negative from the point that indirectly may affect the performance and productivity of individuals and the organization all in all. In this manner, the perception of confl ict would facilitate forecasting methods, controls, changes and solutions to the problems that exist. In this regard, an initial exercise that needs to be researched is to identify the causes, factors and sorts of conflict, before the conflict management process, ie, problem solving or decision making implemented. Concept and levels of conflict. Conflict is a different idea from the perspective of politicians and members of management. With this, the scope of the investigation is very broad conflict is conflict, for example, family conflict, conflict within the organization, the conflict between the individual, the conflict in the middle of the house and so on. Generally, when there are different goals and different points of view, then there will be a variety of issues and differences in the perception of some aspects of the organization. In addition, the conflict is also defined as any form of dispute within the organization, both among people with one another in the assembly, in the middle between the council and the assembly with assembly or organization can also between the individual and the organization in general. Although the conflict refers to the need, importance, to something or someone in the middle of both parties with conflicting views. In my opinion, the conflict can be divided into two stages: the macro level and micro level. The macro-level conflicts usually occur at the level of institutions and conflicts are rare, for example, conflict is a conflict singles macro itself. Therefore, the micro-level conflict is like interpersonal and between organizations, it often happens in any place, for example between two or more parties. Process of Conflict. In addition, methods of conflict consists of four stages: first a potential conflict or incompatibility which is a source of conflict which is divided into three categories; communication, structure and personal variables. This is due to the differences and disputes between communities. Also, brains and personality conflicts will occur when viewed by the parties involved and bring the parties involved in emotions that lead to dissatisfaction, hate and fear. Therefore, there will be tension or pressure on the parties involved. Third is the intention to make the decision to act in a way misguidedly and causes disturbed or negative effects on the individual. Fourth is the action in which he makes the conflict became apparent that includes a statement issued, the action taken and the response by the parties involved in the conflict. This conflict will arise between individuals who do not take seriously in conflict. Resolving conflict in a team. Various ways that we can fathom conflicts like listening to all opinions or viewpoints of the actors involved and concentrated on talks on facts and behavior, not on feelings or personal elements. In addition, we also need to get the agreement and responsibility to find a solution and give encouragement to all parties to the conflict to cooperate to take care of problems accurately. All parties involved ought to play an important part in addressing conflict from spreading and provide an opportunity for all parties involved in the conflict to express his opinion. Identify conflicts are also important in resolving the conflict because this activity is necessary and requires special expertise. Conflicts can arise from a particular source or base of the problem, however the problem into a conflict if not managed with great emotions. Accordingly, we must pick which one to this problem, which became a problem because of emotional things. This problem is the underlying emotional conflicts w hile just exacerbate the problem alone. With this, we can handle the conflict regularly and can produce decent human beings. Theories of motivation and its effectiveness In prioritizing Herzberg two-factor hypothesis that encourages employees motivated intrinsic factor, namely the impetus arising from within oneself, and extrinsic factors, namely the impetus coming from outside oneself, especially from the organization where she lived up to expectations. Intrinsically motivated employees who delighted in the work that will enable utilization of reactivity and innovation, working with a high level of autonomy and dont have to be watched nearly. Satisfaction here is not primarily associated with the acquisition of things that are material. Instead, they are more motivated by extrinsic factors have a tendency to look to what is given to them by the organization and its work is directed to the acquisition of the things he wanted from the organization. According to Frederick Herzberg said that there are certain factors in the workplace that can lead to employment satisfaction, while in different parts there are also different factors that may cause dissat isfaction. With this, satisfaction and occupation dissatisfaction related to each other. In this way, divided into two specific factors in the workplace is by Frederick Herzberg identified as hygiene factors and motivation. Hygiene Factors Hygiene factors (health factors) is an important factor for their work motivation in the workplace. These factors do not lead to positive long-term satisfaction. At the same time if these factors are not present, then the dissatisfaction that. These factors are extrinsic to work. Hygiene factors also referred to as dissatisfaction or maintenance factors necessary to avoid dissatisfaction. Hygiene factors (health factors) is the image of the needs of individual physiological factors that are believed to be fulfilled. Hygiene (health factors) include salaries, personal life, the quality of supervision, working conditions, the stability of the employer, the relationship between the personal, intelligence and corporate governance. According to the hygiene factor / extrinsic factors Herzberg will not further the interests of workers to form it big, but if these factors cannot be considered satisfactory in many respects, for example, inadequate wages, working conditions unpleasant, factors that will be spring potential discontent. Motivation Factors Satisfaction creates a positive motivating factor. In addition, there are factors in the workplace and motivate employees to excel work called satiety factor. Employees only find motivation factors intrinsic value (satiety factor). Motivator which symbolizes psychological needs is seen as an additional benefit. Factors associated with achievement motivation job content protection, recognition, challenging work, improvement and development in the job. In addition, factors intrinsic motivation is a factor that promotes the spirit to achieve higher employment. Meanwhile, the high level of satisfaction of needs motivation allows one to form a more than satisfying needs lower. Meanwhile, there is also a motivating factor according to Herzberg is working itself achievement, opportunities for advancement, recognition of others, and responsibility. In general hygienic factors, for example, salaries and employee relations support associate to survive in the workplace. Salary will only deliver instant motivation. However not in the capacity factor of motivation, for example, the appointment of permanent staff. Cause a decrease in employee motivation to work. To motivate subordinates. Job satisfaction is basically something individual. Most individuals have a level of satisfaction vary and in accordance with the prevailing value system in itself. When assessed against the perceived height of the votes in accordance with the wishes of the individual, the higher the satisfaction of such activities. With this, an outline of job satisfaction can be interpreted as being pleasant or unpleasant, which looked officer of jobs. According to Herzberg behavioral traits that satisfied employees are those who have a high motivation to work. In addition, they are also more than happy to do his job, while its workers are less satisfied they are lazy to go to work at the workplace, and lazy in doing their jobs. Therefore, it can be concluded that job satisfaction is a feeling or attitude of someone in their work, which can be affected by various factors, both internal factors and external factors. Motivation or encouragement movement behavior of organisms is continuing to carry out an activity that is stimulated by incentives. With this, the existence of behavior because of physiological or psychological stretch and leading to the achievement of a goal. In addition, the driving motivation is a desire to be effective and to achieve something. Motivation can also be regarded as a stimulus for the achievement of a stimulus or to avoid failure. Individuals who have the motivation means he has already acquired the ability to exceed expectations in life. Conclusion Conflict is a part of human life that can never be settled all through the history of mankind. Sociologically, the conflict is defined as a social process between two or more persons where one party looks to prohibit different parties to pulverize it or make it frail. In addition, the conflict is motivated by differences in the characteristics of the individual got an interaction. Examples of these differences are related to the physical characteristics, information, understanding, beliefs, customs, and so on. Individual characteristics also participate in social interaction. Therefore, conflict is a desirable situation in each community and not a society that has never had any conflicts between members or with other community bunches. References Silhanek, B. and Decenzo, D.A. (2007) Human Relations: Personal and Professional Development. London: Prentice Hall. Robbins, S.P. nad Judge, T.A. (2009) Organisational Behaviour. 5th and. London: Prentice Hall.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

â€Å"They can have it any colour, as long as it’s black† was famously said by Henry Ford, in reference to his car factory, without realising he was about to create an era that is often referred to as the machine that came in and changed the world. Throughout the essay we will be looking at several aspects of Fordism- its features and its influence on revolutionising the organisational world. Fordism is a hard area to describe, but in brief it refers to the system of mass production and consumption that produced sustained economic growth and widespread material advancement (Jayne, 2006). Before Henry Ford came into the equation and introduced his new working methods, there were several problems already occurring in the working world that Fordism helped to address. For example, there was divided authority between workers and managers, as well as inefficiencies, contradictions of interest and market competition. Whilst Fordism helped improve certain areas of management an d society, there were also a few problems that arose from it. Fordism was truly revolutionary touching all areas of the industrial sector, creating a new scientific management. It brushed away the old fashioned features related to the early 20th century capitalist society whilst at the same time sustaining economic development. Merkle, 1980 states Fordism wasn’t completely compatible with capitalism, however Henry Ford succeeded in slowly eliminating the ‘bubble and glut economy’ (Lind,M., 2013). Ford really pushed the idea of a ‘high-wage, high-demand economy’ (Lind,M., 2013) by paying his workers enough money to afford the cars they produced. This was only at a national level; internationally the export and import of goods and services from industrial nations all... .... Fast food chains, ie. McDonalds require low skilled staff to produce a standardized product and service; just like the production line workers at Ford. Furthermore, expanding on the idea of mass production, it meant that more products were available for a cheaper price and for a wider range of people, which had a big influence in society. Jessop (in Amin, 1994, p. 9) agrees with this as it expresses the idea that Fordism is an industrial paradigm that involves mass production which is its main source of dynamism. Mass production meant that finally there were products available to everyone and not just the higher classes. Ford was all about the welfare of the customers and wanted his products to be available to everyone. This was evident as he said, â€Å"It is not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. It is the customer who pays the wages.†

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Willing and Knowing :: Philosophy Philosophical Papers

Willing and Knowing ABSTRACT: This paper discusses W. K. Clifford's classic paper, "The Ethics of Belief," and the significance of his use of the locution "knowingly and willingly" in the context of morally irresponsible ignorance. It is argued that this locution can point to a very subtle and important distinction in the premisses of ethically responsible belief formation. An analysis of willful ignorance is then given. It is argued that, strictly speaking, there is no such thing as willful ignorance: what is called willful ignorance in ordinary language is just the phenomena of getting oneself knowingly to believe something by willingly and knowingly altering the evidence for one's belief, rather than the genuine phenomenon of getting oneself willingly to believe something against the evidence. The former phenomenon is not, however, morally approvable. Therefore, willfulness of belief is not a necessary condition of morally irresponsible ignorance. 1. There is a very famous passage in W. K. Clifford's classic paper "The Ethics of Belief" in which Clifford describes a shipowner who deceives himself to believe that his ship is seaworthy by 'knowingly and willingly' ignoring the evidence to the contrary, ie. by 'knowingly and willingly' changing the evidential situation that determines the content of his belief. According to Clifford, the shipowner's mental behaviour is unethical. He has no right to believe that the ship is seaworthy on such evidence as is before him. He is knowingly and willingly ignorant of the real condition of the ship and, as a consequence, carries moral responsibility for the consequences of his evil state of mind, consequences highlighted by the deaths of passengers and crew when the ship goes down. The question of why Clifford uses the words 'knowingly and willingly' when he describes the way in which the shipowner makes himself ignorant of the real condition of the ship is significant not only to Clifford's own theory but to the ethics of belief in general. One commentator (see Haack, forthcoming) has recently argued that Clifford really means 'willful ignorance' and just lacks in subtlety when he says 'knowingly and willingly'. The motive behind this interpretation is the view that only a person who is willfully ignorant of the evidence against her belief can carry moral responsibility for the consequences of the belief. In particular, involuntary ignorance, according to this view, has no such effect. I question this interpretation. In particular, I question the idea that the description of the shipowner's ignorance as 'knowingly and willingly' undertaken is somehow less subtle than its description as 'willfully' undertaken.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

“Pet Therapy for Heart and Soul” By Kerrey Pechter Essay

As I read this story, I not only felt warmth but also very passionate and a realization that pets have a much larger effect on us besides be our loving companions. In this story, you will find a great understanding for having a pet. Owning something that will give you unconditional love, and who will help you threw your most stressful hours. Pet Therapy consists of animals working with and helping people in ordinary and extreme cases. You will find the author has pointed out how animals bring communicating to love ones easier and more relaxed. In addition, pets can be considered stress reducers and offer a great relationship. In my opinion, this introduction was long and not to the point. Another observation is the two main body topics are also long and not to the point. I would have broken the two topics to other larger topics to give the reader a chance to focus directly each individual point. In example, breaking reaction with elderly people (paragraph 1, 2, 3, 4) and reaction with kids (paragraphs 17, 18, 19, 20) into a larger sub-topic â€Å"Therapy for All Ages†. Placing that paragraph between â€Å"Animal Magnetism At Work† and â€Å"Pets Are Comforting†. This change would emphasis the main topic better and allowed for breaks between the two larger sub-topics. The topic does describe the paper, and how animals bring out the best in us. The examples of animals in hospitals (15, 16) relates easily to me with experience working in those facilities. The way this paper is wrote, very well thought out with the reader in mind. Making simple quotes that gives a background and offering not only reference to the ideas but a description of  each that can relate to all of us. â€Å"Pet Therapy for Heart And Soul† is a well-researched paper with many quotes and references to the main topic. It also gives great real life examples, where the pets are working as therapy. All this brings the story close to you when you read it, making you wonder what your pet is doing for you.

Evolution of Gillette Razor Blades Essay

Marketing, design and innovation is the study of how an organisation’s competitive advantage forte is indomitable and shaped by its marketing, design and innovation prowess. In addition, it is as a critical factor to the growth and success of the organisation and to the global community. This study seeks to reconnoitre the Gillette’s Power Razor through the lens of organisational marketing, design and innovation. It will look at the way in which Gillette Power Razor and its brand prospers in those areas and how it impacted on the competiveness in the marketplace. The objectives of the study are, firstly to display how the characteristics of the Gillette Power Razor have evolved over time to meet customer’s needs. To show the benefits and value derived by the users. To show the uniqueness of its design elements. Finally, to show the Gillette’s brand appeal in contemporary markets. In this research the investigator will be taking the view of epistemology. The investigator selected the Gillette power razor as the product to critique within the context of marketing, design and innovation. The razor took a very long time to evolve into its present multidimensional use. Therefore, true innovation always begins by investigating the historic footprint. Analysis will be used shows how the characteristics of the item has altered over time what drove the changes in the market and which it exists from the benefits and value derived by the clients, customers or recipients. Furthermore, the uniqueness of its design elements – shape, colour, design, imagination, relevance and usefulness. Finally, its appeal as brand in contemporary markets. In industry, methods and tools are developed on how to organize and manage innovation processes with the objective to better control added – value, cost and risk. † Additionally, Marketing is the process of determining customer needs and wants and then providing customers with goods and services that meet or exceed their expectations (Nickels et al, 2002). Nevertheless, the Danish Government describes design as â€Å"the power to make products and services more attractive to customers and users, so they are able to sell at a higher price by being differentiated from the competition by virtue of new properties, values and characteristics. Marketing, design and innovation is the study of how an organisation’s competitive advantage forte is indomitable and shaped by its marketing, design and innovation prowess. In addition, it is as a critical factor to the growth and success of the organisation and to the global community.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Feminist or Gender Discrimination Essay

Yes, of course feminist thinking is a facilitator in the field of woman and development because feminism is a movement a set of beliefs , that problematize gender inequality . feminist believe that women have been subordinated through men’s greater power variously expressed in different areas. They value women’s lives and concerns and work to improve women’s status and development. Feminism that means feminist thinking is a facilitator as it begins with an acknowledgement of women’s inequality oppression , subordination and need to change the situation and improve the quality of women’s life . It is also a movement against hieranchy , which goes the liberation of a sex , it contains the possibility of equal relations not only between women and men , but between men and men , women and women ,and even between adults and children ,(rowbotham,1985:214) To the widen implication of feminist thought is that it would eradicated domination and transform society . as it marks a commitment to recognizing society so that self-development of people can take place . Feminism entails an ethical and political commitment provides a social theory through which to understand and explain women’s lives and experiences . Feminism is useful in the field of women and development if we take into account feminist perspectives . According to feminist view that it aims to change a male dominated against society furthen see women’s subordination as resulting to from gender norms ,rather than biological sex and aim to change these narms , they focus on equal opportunities for women and men . women’s inequality is resulting from their inferior education . Marxist feminist asserts that capitalism , the current form of class society ,perpetuates the subordination of women by enforcing their economical dependence on men . there for main tool of Marxist feminist is class straggle and revolution which will bring about new production relation and emancipation of women . Radical feminist insist that women’s subordination primarily depends on partriarchy subordination is rooted in their biology ,that is their reproductive physiology hithout changing basic biological features emancipation was not possible . his implied that only a revolution in bio –technology would change women’s condition . Eco-feminism is the social movement that regard the oppression of women and nature as interconnected . it focused on that the women are the victim of environment desaradation .feminist theorist have extended their analysis to consider the interconnections between sexism the domination of nature , and also racism and social inequality . consequently it is now better understand as a movement working against the interconnected oppression of gender, race , class, and nature. If we go further extention of whether feminist thinking is a fecilitation or roadblock to woman and development . then can take emphasize on feminist methodology too. feminist methodology 1 feminist seek a methodology that will do the work of â€Å"excavation â€Å" that is shifting the focus of standard practice from men’s concerns in order to reveal the location and perspective of all women . the aim of much feminist research has been to bring women in that is to find what has been ignored ,censored and suppressed and to reveal both the diversity of actual women’s lives . Feminist methodology have searched for practices that will minimize harm to women and limit negative consequences . this focuses not onl on women , welfare bt also practical research strategis drawing on the work of grass roots and professional women’s organization . 3 feminists seek a methodology that will supported research of value to women , leading to social change or action beneficial to women. At last , after above all discussion we have come to the point that feminist thinking is ethical as well as useful in the development of women as modifying women’s problem is the process of development.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Alcohol Advertisement in Australia Essay

Alcohol advertising in Australia ignores the long-term and short-term health risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption; these are detrimental to the Australian population of all ages, therefore they should be banned. Alcohol advertising is the promotion of alcoholic beverages by alcohol companies through a range of different media. Alcohol advertising is one of the most closely regulated forms of advertising, along with tobacco. The self-regulation system in Australia is not effective at protecting children and youth from exposure to alcohol advertising, a great deal of which contains material appealing to these groups (Fielder, Donovan & Ouschan 2009). The Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Code was introduced to guarantee that alcohol advertising will be conducted in a way that encourages responsibility and moderation in liquor merchandising and consumption, and does not promote the consumption of alcoholic beverages by underage persons. The Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Code first introduced in 1998 is the regulatory system for alcohol advertisement in Australia. For advertisement to comply with this code it is assessed to whom the advertisement is directed, and whom the advertisement may possibly be communicated. Australians’ consumption of alcohol is large on a global scale, with consumption estimated at 9. 88 litres per capita in 2007 (National Preventative Health Taskforce 2009). Scientific research has revealed, over decades, that there is a correlation between alcohol advertising and the consumption of alcohol. However, it has not yet been proven that alcohol advertising causes higher consumption (Hanson, 2011). It is the Alcohol Companies aim to demonstrate that the alcohol campaigns effectively increase their potential market share and brand loyalty, and not higher alcohol consumption. Adolescences are exposed to alcohol advertisements through many different forms of media, and can result in the consumption of alcoholic beverages. A study has shown that alcoholic beverages are the most advertised product inside a 250 metre radius of primary schools and children are exposed up to 25 advertisements for alcohol per square kilometre (Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 2008). The alcohol industry lack credibility in the argument about banning alcohol advertising, given their dire attempts at enforcing their own self-regulatory code (the Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code). Children’s exposure to alcohol advertisement is on a daily basis. The advertisement of alcohol and alcohol products is not adequately regulated to restrict youths viewing alcohol-related images and messages. Research has shows that underage children are frequently shown alcohol advertising (Fielder, Donovan & Ouschan 2009). Mounting evidence has revealed, for youths, the increasing pressure of alcohol marketing creates negative attitudes towards alcohol consumption, and significantly impacts their decision to drink, as well as how they drink (National Preventative Health Taskforce 2009). Underage drinking can cause youth’s brains to be extremely damaged from alcohol. Large alcohol exposure to the developing youth’s brain can be very dangerous. Adolescents are shown to be more susceptible to the learning and memory difficulties that can arise from alcohol consumption. Sections of the brain that are affected by alcohol are directly correlated with memory and emotions, and binge drinking could produce memory problems, problems with verbal skills, incapacity to learn and depression. The existing regulatory system does not effectively regulate these exposures, and does not attempt to decrease or abolish the appeal of the advertising content. The 30 highest viewed alcohol advertisements to the underage population included at least one component identified to appeal to children and underage youth, with 23 found to contain two or more such material. It was also found that 15 of the 30 advertisements contained an animal (Fielder, Donovan & Ouschan 2009). The self-regulation system in Australia fails to safe-guard children and youth from exposure to alcohol advertising, with a good majority containing elements appealing to youths. The advertising companies’ target audience of their advertising campaigns have changed, with various brands being targeted towards a particular population. Some drinks are typically seen as a masculine drink, predominantly beers and dark spirits, whilst wines and cocktails are seen as feminine. Brands have said to be specifically produced to appeal to a population that would not generally drink that kind of alcoholic beverage. The alcohol industry has come under criticism and restricted legislation in their alleged targeting of young people, with the creation of alcoholic beverages that are sweet-tasting and bright coloured which appeal to the younger population. However, there is no solid evidence that supports this alleged targeting of youths. There have been wide spread debate on whether alcohol advertisements are targeting the teenage population, although alcohol advertisement makes consumption look extremely exciting and enjoyable with a majority of which involve parties. Exposure to alcohol advertisements is a daily occasion; they are on television, radio, billboards, concerts, magazines and sporting events. If alcohol advertising was to be banned there would be a certain objection from alcohol companies, outlets, sporting bodies and association. Alcohol is a major sponsor within Australian sports and is estimated to be worth $1. 25 billion a year. Large quantities of alcohol consumption are linked to severe public and social health problems involving violence, crime, road accidents and disease. With the taxing of premixed drinks there is intent to address the problem, however this has not made much of a difference, with adolescence moving onto different forms of alcohol. With the alcohol advertisement nearly everywhere and binge drinking within the teenage population still prevalent, the self-regulatory systems set up at present are not adequate. Heavy alcohol consumption has become a part of Australian culture; advertisement is encouraging these trends, and should be banned. Reference List: * Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, NSW Centre for Overweight and Obesity, 2008 * Fielder, L. , Donovan, R. J. & Ouschan, R. (2009) ‘Exposure of children and adolescents to alcohol advertising on Australian metropolitan free-to-air television’, Addiction, 104: 1157-1165 * Hanson, David, 2011; Alcohol Advertising * National Preventative Health Taskforce (2009) Australia: The healthiest country by 2020, Technical Report No 3.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Egans Theory Essay

This is a 3-stage model or framework offered by Egan as useful in helping people solve problems and develop opportunities. The goals of using the model are to help people ‘to manage their problems in living more effectively and develop unused opportunities more fully’, and to ‘help people become better at helping themselves in their everyday lives.’ (Egan G., ‘The Skilled Helper’, 1998, p7-8). Thus there is an emphasis on empowerment. Also the person s own agenda is central, and the model seeks to move the person towards action leading to outcomes which they choose and value. This model is not based on a particular theory of personality development, nor on a theory of the ways difficulties develop. It is a framework for conceptualising the helping process, and is best used in working on issues in the recent past and the present. As with any model, it provides a map, which can be used in exploring, but which is not the territory itself. The Egan model and mentoring are not synonymous; the model can be used in many kinds of helping relationships, and mentoring/co-mentoring can be done using other models, (or none!). The model can and should be used flexibly. The model works best if attention is paid to Rogers’ ‘core conditions’, the helpers approach to the speaker being based on genuineness, respect, and empathy, and if principles of good active listening are remembered throughout. The Egan model aims to help the speaker address 3 main questions: 1. ‘What is going on?’ 2. ‘What do I want instead?’ 3. ‘How might I get to what I want?’ Not everyone needs to address all 3 questions, and at times people may move back into previously answered ones. For simplicity, we’ll look at the model sequentially. However, the skilled helper will work with the speaker in all or any of the stages, and move back and forward, as appropriate. Stage 1 is about providing a safe place for the speaker to tell their story in their own way, and to be fully heard and acknowledged. It is about a space where a person can hear and understand their own story. It is also about gently helping them lift their head to see the wider picture and other perspectives, and to find a point from which to go forward with hope. 1a – an expansive part The helper encourages the speaker to tell their story, and by using good active listening skills and demonstrating the core conditions, helps them to explore and unfold the tale, and to reflect. For some, this is enough, for others it is just the beginning. â€Å"†¦.as you summarised what I said, all the jumble began to make sense.† Skills in Stage 1a:- active listening, reflecting, paraphrasing, checking understanding, open questions, summarising. Useful Questions: How do/did you feel about that? What are/were you thinking? What is/was that like for you? Keep them open! What else is there about that? 1b – a challenging part Since they are in the situation, it can be difficult for the person speaking to see it clearly, or from different angles. With the help of empathic reflections and challenges, the speaker uncovers blind spots or gaps in their perceptions and assessment of the situation, of others and of  themselves – their patterns, the impact of their behaviour on the situation, their strengths. â€Å"I’d never thought about how it might feel from my colleague’s point of view.† * Skills: Challenging; different perspectives, patterns and connections, shoulds and oughts, negative self-talk, blind spots (discrepancies, distortions, incomplete awareness, things implied, what’s not said), ownership, specifics, strengths. * Useful Questions: * How do others see it/you? * Is there anything you’ve overlooked? * What does he/she think/feel? * What would s/he say about all this? * What about all of this is a problem for you? * Any other way of looking at it? 1c -Focussing and moving forward People often feel stuck; that is why they want to talk. In this stage, the helper seeks to move the speaker from stuckness to hope by helping Them choose an area that they have the energy to move forward on, that would make a difference and benefit them. â€Å"I see now the key place to get started is my relationship with K† * Skills: Facilitating focussing and prioritising an area to work on. * Useful Questions: * What in all of this is the most important? * What would be best to work on now? * What would make the most difference? * What is manageable? Stage 1 can be 5 minutes or 5 years; it may be all someone needs. Stage 2 – What do I want instead? People often move from problem to action, or problem to solution, without reflecting on what they really want, or in what way their problems might be opportunities. Stage 2 is about this, about helping the speaker to open up a picture of what they really want, and how things could be better. This stage is very important in generating energy and hope. 2a – a creative part The helper helps the speaker to brainstorm their ideal scenario; ‘if you  could wake up tomorrow with everything just how you want it, like your ideal world, what would it be like?’ The speaker is encouraged to broaden their horizon and be imaginative, rather than reflect on practicalities. For some people this is scary, for some liberating. â€Å"At first it was really difficult but after a while I Jet my imagination go and began to get really excited about what we could achieve in the department†. * Skills: Brainstorming, facilitating imaginative thinking, i.e. * Quantity vs. Quality Anything goes – have fun * Write down ideas verbatim, don’t analyse or judge * Keep prompting – ‘what else?’ * Don’t hurry, allow lots of time * Useful Questions: * What do you ideally want instead? * What would be happening? * What would you be doing/thinking/feeling? * What would you have that you don’t have now? * What would it be like if it were better / a bit better? 2b – a reality testing part From the creative and visionary brainstorm, the speaker formulates goals which are specific, measurable, achievable/appropriate (for them, in their circumstances), realistic (with reference to the real world), and have a time frame attached, i.e. SMART goals. Goals which are demanding yet achievable are motivating. â€Å"It feels good to be clear that I want a clear understanding with my colleagues about our respective rules and responsibilities.† * Skills: facilitating selecting and reality checking with respect to internal and external landscape. * Useful Questions: * What exactly is your goal? * How would you know when you’ve got there? * What could you manage/are you likely to achieve? * Which feels best for you? * Out of all that, what would be realistic? * When do you want to achieve it by? 2c – moving forward This stage aims to test the realism of the goal before the person moves to action, and to help the speaker check their commitment to the goal by reviewing the costs and benefits to them of achieving it. Is it worth it? â€Å"It feels risky but I need to resolve this.† * Skills: facilitation of exploring costs and benefits, and checking commitment to goal. * Useful Questions: * What will be the benefits when you achieve this? * How will it be different for you when you’ve done this? * What will be the costs of doing this? Any disadvantages/downsides to doing this? Stage 3 – How will I get there? This is the ‘how’ stage†¦ how will the person move towards the goals they have identified in Stage 2? It is about possible strategies and specific actions, about doing something to get started, whilst considering what/who might help and hinder making the change. 3a – another creative part! The speaker is helped to brainstorm strategies – 101 ways to achieve the goal – again with prompting and encouragement to think widely. What people, places, ideas, organisations could help? The aim is to free up the person to generate new and different ideas for action, breaking out of old mind-sets. â€Å"There were gems of possibilities from seemingly crazy ideas†. * Skills: Facilitation of brainstorming * Useful Questions: * How many different ways are there for you to do this? * Who/what might help? * What has worked before/for others? * What about some wild ideas? 3b – focussing in on appropriate strategies What from the brainstorm might be selected as a strategy that is realistic for the speaker, in their circumstances, consistent with their values? Forcefield analysis can be used here to look at what internal and external factors (individuals and organisations) are likely to help and hinder action and how these can be strengthened or weakened respectively. â€Å"I would feel comfortable trying to have a conversation with him about how he sees things†. * Skills for Stage 3b: Facilitation of selecting and reality checking. * Useful Questions: * Which of these ideas appeals most? * Which is most likely to work for you? * Which are within your resources/control? 3c – moving to action The aim is to help the speaker plan the next steps. The strategy is broken into bite-size chunks of action. Here the speaker is doing almost all the work, producing their action plan. The helper works with them to turn good intention into specific plans with time scales. Whilst being encouraging, it’s also important not to push the speaker into saying they’ll do things to please the helper. â€Å"I will make sure we have time together before the end of the month. I will book a meeting, so that we can be sure of quiet uninterrupted time. I will organise this before Friday†. * Skills: Facilitation of action planning. * Useful Questions: * What will you do first? When? * What will you do next? When? If the end point of producing an action plan has been reached, the experience of trying it out could be the starting point for a follow-up mentoring/co-mentoring session. The work would start in stage I again, telling a new story. If an action plan had not been reached, that’s fine too, and the model can be used over a series of sessions. The key in using the model, as with any theory or model, is to keep the speakers agenda central, the individual in the foreground and theory in the background, and to use the model for the person, rather than vice versa.